Liberty & Flowosophy

Taxation Is Theft

In case the meme is too small to read on your screen, it reads in the top frame, “Do any of your friends ever talk about how we need more taxation?” and in the bottom frame he responds, “Shit no,… Continue Reading →

Liberals vs Leftists

This post came across my feed and a conversation ensued about the difference between liberals vs leftists. As someone with strong classic liberal tendencies, I think this is a distinction with a difference and explained as much to some right… Continue Reading →

People wonder why other people think BLM has terrorist underpinnings when they seemingly have “terrorist” affiliations. Here’s some information about Susan Rosenberg & BLM. 🤔   Susan Rosenberg: “According to IRS filings, Susan Rosenberg handles all charitable donations for BLM”  Also… Continue Reading →

What Kind of Tolerance is it to Hypocritically Spew Hate?

Yesterday I watched some really disgusting things happen. Apparently standing up for decency — which is to say, suggesting it’s gross to wish ill on the president and his wife — makes you some evil Trump supporter. Point out it’s… Continue Reading →

California Liberals: “Dear Red States: We’re Leaving”

This post has been circulating around social media again in the past few weeks and it appeared on the walls of several California liberals I know as well being celebrated on a mailing list populated almost exclusively by women who… Continue Reading →

FALSE: “Trump Refused to Condemn White Supremacy”

I really don’t get the characterization I’m seeing allover social media that Trump refused to condemn white supremacy other than the insistence of #OrangeManBad. There was no time for refusal — Wallace moved on too quickly. Let’s start first with… Continue Reading →

Kyle Rittenhouse Shootings: A Primer

In an effort to provide reasoned discourse on the Kyle Rittenhouse shootings, I’m writing a series of posts addressing various elements of the situation because of the misinformation I’ve seen perpetrated on-line. Given the number of people who have taken… Continue Reading →

Living in Civilized Society

This one goes out to anyone dismissing the non-peaceful parts of the protests who wants to live in civilized society. To be clear, while it is not the point of this post, I do believe we should apply the same… Continue Reading →

Facebook is a Platform Not a Publisher — Why do they fact check?

In response to the meme below, a conversation ensued where I asserted Facebook is a platform not a publisher. Both movies, The Facebook Dilemma and The Social Dilemma came up in the conversation which led to this rather lengthy analysis… Continue Reading →

Supporting Non Peaceful Protests

If you’ve been paying attention to folks supporting the black lives matters activity in recent months — both the peaceful and non peaceful protests — at this point, you’re likely to have seen the articles pointing to the study that… Continue Reading →

The Complexities of Cancel Culture

If you haven’t lived it (and maybe even if you have) it’s hard to imagine what it’s like having a public persona that garners you attention on an international level, even if it’s only small scale celebrity. In 2020, I… Continue Reading →

Pelosi is a Hypocrite

This post crossed my feed recently. As one of her constituents, I think her choice demonstrates at best she is an idiot; if not that, she is utterly inept; and at worst, she is obscenely entitled, although I’d be lying… Continue Reading →

Hate the Other Team

I love this tweet from Zuby because it’s clear there’s a divide in our country presently and it seems much of what transpires gets used as fodder feeding the hate the other team mentality. As someone who sits largely in… Continue Reading →

Assault Weapon Ban

 friend posted a link to a Business Insider article titled, Michael Moore Says that Trump’s support among his base is ‘off the charts’ and he’s on course to win the presidential election. It’s no secret if you’ve followed what I’ve… Continue Reading →

Dear Protestors: Do You Want 4 More Years?

Dear Protestors: If you want to make a point and want me, as a citizen, to listen to you about that which you’re protesting, then you and your cohorts have to demonstrate to me that you care about civility and… Continue Reading →

Enforcing Justice: Is it Possible?

As the nation reels from a new set of riots after the shocking shooting of a man at least 7 times from behind, I’ve seen tons of commentary on line about the situation. Many people have condoned if not outright… Continue Reading →

I really don’t get the argument that justifies looting, violence, and property damage against people and businesses today because “we have 400 years of oppression.” B*tch please: you are not 400 years old and you do not get to claim… Continue Reading →

Our “Creepy” Presidential Choices

I suppose in an era where the world is exploring, creating manipulated advertisements about, giving talks about, writing about again and again and again and even posting bulletins like the one shown here seemingly trying to normalize pedophilia as a sexual orientation it makes… Continue Reading →

WAP & Culture

On a lighter note, I finally watched the WAP video and listened to the lyrics. Warning for those clicking that link: I went all in with the explicit version because I was curious what all the kerfuffle was about after… Continue Reading →

The irony of this quote is hilarious and I’m pretty sure the author doesn’t get it. Here’s how I see it. 3rd party voters are the most marginalized group of voters out there from a voting perspective. This statement essentially… Continue Reading →

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