If you want to understand why some people object to the tyranny around masks, read on. If the government is requiring masks — as they do right now in California — and health officials can take action against a citizen — as they can right now, at least according to the law in CA — including forced medications and removing them from their home and incarcerating them in “quarantine”, what this means is when they deem it a “health” risk by their standards, we, the citizens, lose our liberty. No due process. No trial. No need for any oversight.

Think about that right there. That’s martial law as deemed by “health officials” — not YOUR doctor, but “health officers” who have the authority to take you away and lock you up. To force medication in you against your will. All because “they” say so. No real evidence is necessary, simply accusing you of being a health risk by some manufactured criteria.
How does that thought sit well with a self aware human?

For an illness that has a 99.7% survival rate, we have given up our sovereignty. This is the precedent we have set. Which means for something that has killed less people in 6 months than we lose globally in 6 days, we are now saying, “that’s okay, you get to tell me what to do, I can’t fight it, I have no due process, and I approve of your control over me.”
Nothing about that sits well with me.

This is not about if you wear a mask or don’t wear a mask. I wear them in stores too people.

TyrannyOfMasks800This is about the signals we are sending our government about how we will allow them to rule us when they are supposed to serve us. What happens when the next manufactured crisis comes along and the government asserts their authority in other more nefarious ways? People will just sit there and let it happen because we have set the precedent with our willingness to kowtow to unreasonable tyranny.

“We need to chip you for the greater good” seems like a pretty fast follow-on to that should they want it. “Anyone wanting to receive their UBI must be chipped to get the funds” won’t get any arguments when that comes along.
This isn’t about this one issue alone. It is about what it means for all of us as sovereign beings for the rest of our lives living in a country where people already distrust the government.

How on earth could people so committed to a defund the police movement who believe there is systemic malfeasance believe the same government about masks when these so called “experts” changed their minds near daily?

Mind boggling, really.