This post has been circulating around social media again in the past few weeks and it appeared on the walls of several California liberals I know as well being celebrated on a mailing list populated almost exclusively by women who are now or once were California liberals.

Dear Red States "We're Leaving"

The réponse to it is, from my vantage point, unsurprisingly one of support since the people on the left have some strange ideas about the rest of the country. One such California liberal wrote this bit.

It is so frustrating that so many impoverished red states benefit from our state’s largesse yet their ideology and corrupt politicians in Wash, D.C. work against our interests at every f**king turn and inculcate their constituents to believe we’re the ones undermining their well-being. 

Sitting here after six and a half months of our Blue State leadership impacting my business and fundamentally blocking my ability to engage in free trade, I have a rather different view than the author of that quote. For one thing, I have been saying all along this is a violation of our liberties and called it tyranny. I got called all manner of name for taking that position, but I feel some sense of vindication from the recent Pennsylvania ruling where citizens went up against the governor and sued suggesting the mandates were in violation of their rights. Turns out the mandates were seen as a violation of our constitutional rights — 1st and 14th specifically. Is it really surprising though considering these leaders deemed some people essential and some people non essential which seems clearly out of alignment with the equal protection under the law clause of the 14th Amendment. San Francisco did that quite explicitly when they let government gyms open and said civilian gyms could not. And what about the lack of equality the California liberals expressed saying some gatherings (like BLM protests) are acceptable but not others (like a bonfire on the beach protest) and how can that not be seen as a violation of our right to assemble granted in the 1st Amendment? But hey, who cares about equality these days. . . it’s not like we have people in the streets fighting about this very issue or anything like that, right?

Meanwhile, despite the quote’s author pointing to “impoverished” red stated benefiting from the largess of the blue states, I’m not sure how many impoverished states are needed to cause problems for the California liberals to complain about considering our politicians here in California are do a fine job of working against our interests on their own. Here are a few examples for anyone who is unaware.

Not that any of this matters — practically, speaking, it would never work as it’s written and this piece lays out good reasons why.