Category covid-19

What Kind of Tolerance is it to Hypocritically Spew Hate?

Yesterday I watched some really disgusting things happen. Apparently standing up for decency — which is to say, suggesting it’s gross to wish ill on the president and his wife — makes you some evil Trump supporter. Point out it’s… Continue Reading →

Supporting Non Peaceful Protests

If you’ve been paying attention to folks supporting the black lives matters activity in recent months — both the peaceful and non peaceful protests — at this point, you’re likely to have seen the articles pointing to the study that… Continue Reading →

Pelosi is a Hypocrite

This post crossed my feed recently. As one of her constituents, I think her choice demonstrates at best she is an idiot; if not that, she is utterly inept; and at worst, she is obscenely entitled, although I’d be lying… Continue Reading →

Pro Choice, Bill Gates & Herd Immunity

An op-ed came out from some doctors that was published in USA Today supporting compulsory vaccination for Covid and the gestapo like use of immunity papers. I was beyond triggered the first time I saw this opinion piece. It’s a… Continue Reading →

Confusion, Authority, The Unknown & Equanimity

In response to my friend posting an opinion piece about how Sweden is not doing well, I posted the graph of the world numbers and Sweden’s numbers. My friend responded that it’s all confusing. Perhaps it’s a reframe, or maybe… Continue Reading →

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