Category Social Contract

Living in Civilized Society

This one goes out to anyone dismissing the non-peaceful parts of the protests who wants to live in civilized society. To be clear, while it is not the point of this post, I do believe we should apply the same… Continue Reading →

The Complexities of Cancel Culture

If you haven’t lived it (and maybe even if you have) it’s hard to imagine what it’s like having a public persona that garners you attention on an international level, even if it’s only small scale celebrity. In 2020, I… Continue Reading →

Confusion, Authority, The Unknown & Equanimity

In response to my friend posting an opinion piece about how Sweden is not doing well, I posted the graph of the world numbers and Sweden’s numbers. My friend responded that it’s all confusing. Perhaps it’s a reframe, or maybe… Continue Reading →

Embarrassment, Disidentification, Science & Social Coercion

Another day, another exchange on social media. I’m embarrassed to live in a country where people refuse to wear a mask 😷 Seat belts save lives – it doesn’t take super intelligence to understand that. Why is it so hard… Continue Reading →

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