Category social media

What Kind of Tolerance is it to Hypocritically Spew Hate?

Yesterday I watched some really disgusting things happen. Apparently standing up for decency — which is to say, suggesting it’s gross to wish ill on the president and his wife — makes you some evil Trump supporter. Point out it’s… Continue Reading →

Facebook is a Platform Not a Publisher — Why do they fact check?

In response to the meme below, a conversation ensued where I asserted Facebook is a platform not a publisher. Both movies, The Facebook Dilemma and The Social Dilemma came up in the conversation which led to this rather lengthy analysis… Continue Reading →

Our “Creepy” Presidential Choices

I suppose in an era where the world is exploring, creating manipulated advertisements about, giving talks about, writing about again and again and again and even posting bulletins like the one shown here seemingly trying to normalize pedophilia as a sexual orientation it makes… Continue Reading →

The Intolerance of Liberals

Earlier someone I would have called a real life friend of 12 years blocked me after their friend called me a “boot licker” for pointing out that Bezos didn’t exploit employees who optionally choose to work for Amazon and that if… Continue Reading →

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