Category Uncategorized

What Kind of Tolerance is it to Hypocritically Spew Hate?

Yesterday I watched some really disgusting things happen. Apparently standing up for decency — which is to say, suggesting it’s gross to wish ill on the president and his wife — makes you some evil Trump supporter. Point out it’s… Continue Reading →

WAP & Culture

On a lighter note, I finally watched the WAP video and listened to the lyrics. Warning for those clicking that link: I went all in with the explicit version because I was curious what all the kerfuffle was about after… Continue Reading →

By The Numbers

As of 2019, the population of CA was 39.5 million. We’ve had 459,000 total reported C19 cases––including asymptomatic and mild cases––that’s 1% of the total state population. We’ve had 8,451 C19 related deaths in CA––including vulnerable, elderly, & people who… Continue Reading →

Common Ground: No Secret Police

Pro Secret Police? To anyone secretly celebrating the anarchists in Portland being disappeared by police allegedly not wearing a means of easily identifying themselves: I don’t want secret police even with the citizens whom I think have well past ‘peaceful’… Continue Reading →

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