Category Values

Taxation Is Theft

In case the meme is too small to read on your screen, it reads in the top frame, “Do any of your friends ever talk about how we need more taxation?” and in the bottom frame he responds, “Shit no,… Continue Reading →

Liberals vs Leftists

This post came across my feed and a conversation ensued about the difference between liberals vs leftists. As someone with strong classic liberal tendencies, I think this is a distinction with a difference and explained as much to some right… Continue Reading →

California Liberals: “Dear Red States: We’re Leaving”

This post has been circulating around social media again in the past few weeks and it appeared on the walls of several California liberals I know as well being celebrated on a mailing list populated almost exclusively by women who… Continue Reading →

Living in Civilized Society

This one goes out to anyone dismissing the non-peaceful parts of the protests who wants to live in civilized society. To be clear, while it is not the point of this post, I do believe we should apply the same… Continue Reading →

Supporting Non Peaceful Protests

If you’ve been paying attention to folks supporting the black lives matters activity in recent months — both the peaceful and non peaceful protests — at this point, you’re likely to have seen the articles pointing to the study that… Continue Reading →

The Complexities of Cancel Culture

If you haven’t lived it (and maybe even if you have) it’s hard to imagine what it’s like having a public persona that garners you attention on an international level, even if it’s only small scale celebrity. In 2020, I… Continue Reading →

Hate the Other Team

I love this tweet from Zuby because it’s clear there’s a divide in our country presently and it seems much of what transpires gets used as fodder feeding the hate the other team mentality. As someone who sits largely in… Continue Reading →

WAP & Culture

On a lighter note, I finally watched the WAP video and listened to the lyrics. Warning for those clicking that link: I went all in with the explicit version because I was curious what all the kerfuffle was about after… Continue Reading →

The irony of this quote is hilarious and I’m pretty sure the author doesn’t get it. Here’s how I see it. 3rd party voters are the most marginalized group of voters out there from a voting perspective. This statement essentially… Continue Reading →

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