Liberty & Flowosophy

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Solving San Francisco’s Homeless Problem

After watching this incredibly gut wrenching report on the homeless situation in San Francisco (which is unlikely to surprise anyone who lives here), I posting it on line and a friend asked how I would solve the homeless problem. I’ve thought… Continue Reading →

The Intolerance of Liberals

Earlier someone I would have called a real life friend of 12 years blocked me after their friend called me a “boot licker” for pointing out that Bezos didn’t exploit employees who optionally choose to work for Amazon and that if… Continue Reading →

Pro Choice, Bill Gates & Herd Immunity

An op-ed came out from some doctors that was published in USA Today supporting compulsory vaccination for Covid and the gestapo like use of immunity papers. I was beyond triggered the first time I saw this opinion piece. It’s a… Continue Reading →

Trump vs The Virus

This meme came across my feed the other day. It reminds me of the Cake or Death sketch that Eddie Izzard does. I found myself in an interesting position. Knowing the person who posted it, I guessed (although they never… Continue Reading →

Insensitivity, Caring, Injury & Murder

Lockdown started here in California in mid-march and for the entire time, where I live, in San Francisco, has been under strict guidelines. When most of the rest of California opened up for a minute into phase 2, we barely… Continue Reading →

Systemic Discrimination, Protected Classes, & Conscious Capitalism

While the country is still richly in broiled in protests around Floyd and BLM, and while the idea of systemic discrimination is present in our minds, perhaps now is a good time to bring up ongoing and expanding ways in… Continue Reading →

The Truth According to Duckerberg*

Out-quoted from this article titled Facebook overrules the opinion of individual doctors: “We do not want to become the arbiters of truth. I think that would be a bad position for us to be in and not what we should… Continue Reading →

By The Numbers

As of 2019, the population of CA was 39.5 million. We’ve had 459,000 total reported C19 cases––including asymptomatic and mild cases––that’s 1% of the total state population. We’ve had 8,451 C19 related deaths in CA––including vulnerable, elderly, & people who… Continue Reading →

Common Ground: No Secret Police

Pro Secret Police? To anyone secretly celebrating the anarchists in Portland being disappeared by police allegedly not wearing a means of easily identifying themselves: I don’t want secret police even with the citizens whom I think have well past ‘peaceful’… Continue Reading →

Confusion, Authority, The Unknown & Equanimity

In response to my friend posting an opinion piece about how Sweden is not doing well, I posted the graph of the world numbers and Sweden’s numbers. My friend responded that it’s all confusing. Perhaps it’s a reframe, or maybe… Continue Reading →

Embarrassment, Disidentification, Science & Social Coercion

Another day, another exchange on social media. I’m embarrassed to live in a country where people refuse to wear a mask 😷 Seat belts save lives – it doesn’t take super intelligence to understand that. Why is it so hard… Continue Reading →

Female Action Heroes & the Uncanny Valley

The other night, watching one of these feminist infused action shows with yet another tiny female adept at taking down a room full of men twice her size, inspired this social media status: The proliferation of these female-driven over-the-top action… Continue Reading →

Feelings Trump Reason

These days, #orangeManBad seems to trump reason. Yes, that pun is intended and it’s actually the point. Scrolling along in my feed and this conversation took place.  Friend’s comments are boxed, mine are italicized. (I should say, former friend. After… Continue Reading →

Safe Spaces, Stimulus & Response

Someone posed the question: “Even if it just makes other people feel safer, why the F*CK wouldn’t you?” I’ll begin here by setting out some fundamental thoughts. First, your feelings are in your person, not in my actions. No matter… Continue Reading →

The Tyranny of Compelled Masks

If you want to understand why some people object to the tyranny around masks, read on. If the government is requiring masks — as they do right now in California — and health officials can take action against a citizen… Continue Reading →

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