Tag covid-19

Pelosi is a Hypocrite

This post crossed my feed recently. As one of her constituents, I think her choice demonstrates at best she is an idiot; if not that, she is utterly inept; and at worst, she is obscenely entitled, although I’d be lying… Continue Reading →

Trump vs The Virus

This meme came across my feed the other day. It reminds me of the Cake or Death sketch that Eddie Izzard does. I found myself in an interesting position. Knowing the person who posted it, I guessed (although they never… Continue Reading →

Insensitivity, Caring, Injury & Murder

Lockdown started here in California in mid-march and for the entire time, where I live, in San Francisco, has been under strict guidelines. When most of the rest of California opened up for a minute into phase 2, we barely… Continue Reading →

Embarrassment, Disidentification, Science & Social Coercion

Another day, another exchange on social media. I’m embarrassed to live in a country where people refuse to wear a mask 😷 Seat belts save lives – it doesn’t take super intelligence to understand that. Why is it so hard… Continue Reading →

Feelings Trump Reason

These days, #orangeManBad seems to trump reason. Yes, that pun is intended and it’s actually the point. Scrolling along in my feed and this conversation took place.  Friend’s comments are boxed, mine are italicized. (I should say, former friend. After… Continue Reading →

The Tyranny of Compelled Masks

If you want to understand why some people object to the tyranny around masks, read on. If the government is requiring masks — as they do right now in California — and health officials can take action against a citizen… Continue Reading →

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